TREAD Reporting Compliance system

Automate your NHTSA TREAD Act submission process

An industry-leading solution that integrates & generates all information required for Automotive, Powersports, RV and Transportation manufacturers to effectively meet the NHTSA TREAD Act requirements.



Intuitive cloud-based user interface to manage all aspects of data import, processing, review and transmission to NHTSA

Data Integration Icon
Data Integration

Ability to import data from external data sources through structured interface files


Ability to generate both preliminary reports for analysis and aggregate reports in the required format for submission

Data Transmission Tracking Icon
Transmission and Tracking

FTP transmission process of reports to NHTSA with tracking capabilities

Ongoing Compliance on Software Systeam
Ongoing Compliance

Consistent monitoring of NHTSA’s changes in regulations to ensure that the application is up-to-date


Streamline the process of creating, transmitting and tracking all submissions required for TREAD Act compliance

  • Assistance Icon
    Helps to ensure full compliance of TREAD Act requirements
  • Timer and money icon on balance seasaw
    Significantly reduces the costs and time spent in addressing compliance requirements
What our clients say

For as long as I’ve worked in this industry, I’ve never worked with a vendor as responsive and as knowledgeable about automotive as Optimum Info’s team. They are amazing!

Senior Manager, National Network Development Kia
Success Stories

Providing powerful and flexible solutions supported by a team of experts committed to ensure our customers’ success

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